
La Muerte

1830, from French Mythe (1818) and directly from Modern Latin mythus, from Greek mythos "speech, thought, story, myth, anything delivered by word of mouth," of unknown origin.


Komt uit het grieks mũthos en houdt verband met muerto en mourir en Omerta
Het is de overlevering van de voorvaderen, van diegene die niet bij ons, in de hemel, ... de doden
verhalen uit de sacrale tijd, les temps sacreés, ... de sacrale tijd.

Sacred zie Sacrifice
Het geconsacreerde

Hier moeten we dan voor verdere redenen ten rade gaan bij Mircea Eliade
Ik knip en plak hier brutaalweg van wikipedia om de geïnteresseerde zoekwerk te besparen in de ellenlange pagina:

Eliade's The Sacred and the Profane partially builds on Otto's The Idea of the Holy to show how religion emerges from the experience of the sacred, and myths of time and nature.

Eliade argues that traditional man attributes no value to the linear march of historical events: only the events of the mythical age have value. To give his own life value, traditional man performs myths and rituals. Because the Sacred's essence lies only in the mythical age, only in the Sacred's first appearance, any later appearance is actually the first appearance; by recounting or re-enacting mythical events, myths and rituals "re-actualize" those events.

"In imitating the exemplary acts of a god or of a mythical hero, or simply by recounting their adventures, the man of an archaic society detaches himself from profane time and magically re-enters the Great Time, the sacred time. "

Eliade argues that yearning to remain in the mythical age causes a "terror of history": traditional man desires to escape the linear succession of events (which, Eliade indicated, he viewed as empty of any inherent value or sacrality). Eliade suggests that the abandonment of mythical thought and the full acceptance of linear, historical time, with its "terror", is one of the reasons for modern man's anxieties. Traditional societies escape this anxiety to an extent, as they refuse to completely acknowledge historical time.

Continued On Subject en Object

Het Opus van Mircea Eliade vind je in Antwerpen in de Erfgoedbibliotheek Conscience

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