

How ignorant we are to think that we are making Progress and that Men in the Mechanical Age is the ultimate product of Evolution.   We wield powers to great to handle, in a mercurial folly we stole the Fire from the Gods by splicing the atom.  We are left with debris for unfathomable timeperiods, incomprehensible for our human understanding.   We leave our offspring, unweary of us then and worry how we can warn them now, and are confronted with the limits of language and symbols to tell them 'Please leave, there is only death to be found here'

How ignorant we are to think, we carry out our Persuit of Science and send out a time capsule into space, a lone voyager , set out on a Hyperbole Statement Course of Weltschmerz, to be noticed and that 'We Are Here'.

The Golden Record

How ignorant we are that we only feel connected in our loneliness with a black box, our personal Monolith, which we percieve as iSmart in comparison to our reflecting image on the polished black.  A fragile web of hyperlinks and pointers to be liked and twittered.  What will the Big Data of all of this reveal, no more then an Exposed Individual available for exploitation by the Marketplace to passify anxities and devise more Services and Goods to facilitate and nourish Angst.

2001: A Space Odysssey

How ignorant we are to give our voice to others and called it democracy, the best of the worst means to organise society and leave it at that, trusting they are the Philantropists, who will govern us to the benefit of all.  Will they let us share in their wealth?  The methiculous devised scheme, to offer our whole Being freely and to let it be molded into the sufficating workweek in exchange for cash, which will ultimately lose it's value and will return to them, who never did anything for it in the first place, in the mean time, making a small intrest on your spendings.

How blunted we are to wage War and call it Our Religious Right to uphold the Honour of Death Prophets and Saints or to Defend our Civilised Cultural Values against Terror unknown, Monsters under the Bed, the Stranger idling around in Public Space: the Menace of our Children.  How numb in our thinking that we are entitled only to an opinion and that the Written words exceeds the Universal Truth denied.  Estranged we are of the writings of old, even more of the message the Prophets had to bare.

How foolish our efforts to rally for Climate Change, to Stop Child Abuse, to protest for Peace, to End Poverty, when the wheels of the Corpus Globulus  crushes and grinds and leaves only death.  Denied of Truth, we emotional attach ourselves to a branded outreach of more of the same corrupted ideologies.  The Feel Good Pacifier who's sole aim is to get as much money out of your pocket.  The only reason it is tax deductable, as stimulant to give away more, of the earnings of thy labour, which eventually ends up back, in the hands whom gave you the money in the first place, willing or unwilling.  The flesh devouring Blossoming Flower with a pungent Stench we learned to appriciate, we idolise until this day, the Same and we like More of it.

stillscreens of Pink Floyd The Wall

Demoralization and we call it Positive Thinking.  If we tap into the Good Vibrations we can achieve what we Dream, yet we are in fact asleep.  Do Not Disturb the universal understood sign in our Hostel we call Home, during our measured time.  A Sign sold as Enlightenment.  How ignorant to see that to be disturbed is a crucial step in the process to attaining Knowledge, the only option to eventually escape the Samsaric Wheel and to Rule over it. The Dung Beetle is the only creature I am aware of who gets happy about shit, rolls it into a ball and treasures it.  With Positive Thinking we learn to appreciate shit and feel good about it.  It has nothing to do with Thinking, it is the exact opposite.

These are just some more thoughts to be done with, to aquit myself off, don't expect anything.    Because if you come here to get something out of it, this place is abandonned and haunted.   If you want to join this journey further,  accompagnied with Dante and Enzensberger, embark, but as your guide I must warn you that there our more perrilous things to come.

Please leave, there is only Death to be found here


2 opmerkingen:

  1. But in death there is freedom and enlightenment is different for one another as we all are at different points of understanding. True, many prefer to keep blinders on.. Maybe they do fear their own power. Their ancient tomes desecrated by the manipulative still yet tell them of their power.. Gentle guidance some need. We are All learning as we go..
