


Where fall the footsteps of the Master, the ears of those ready for his Teaching open wide.  When the ears of the student are ready to hear, then cometh the lips to fill them with Wisdom.

Under, and back of, the Universe of Time, Space and Change, is ever to be found The Substantial Reality--the Fundamental  Truth.

THAT which is the Fundamental Truth--the Substantial Reality--is beyond true naming, but the Wise Men call it THE ALL.

In its Essence, THE ALL is UNKNOWABLE.  But, the report of Reason must be hospitably received and treated with respect.  While All is in THE ALL, it is equally true that THE ALL is in ALL. To him who truly understands this truth hath come great knowledge.

The Infinite Mind of THE ALL is the womb of Universes.
THE ALL creates in its Infinite Mind countless Universes, which exist for aeons of Time--and yet, to THE ALL, the  creation, development, decline and death of a million Universes is as the time of the twinkling of an eye.


The Universe is Mental--held in the Mind of THE ALL.

As above, so below; as below, so above.

Nothing rests; everything moves; everything vibrates. 

Everything is Dual; everything has poles; everything has its pair of opposites; like and unlike are the same; opposites are  identical in nature, but different in degree; extremes meet; all truths are but half-truths; all paradoxes may be reconciled.

Everything flows, out and in; everything has its tides; all things rise and fall; the pendulum-swing manifests in everything; the measure of the swing to the right is the measure of the swing to the left; rhythm compensates.

Every Cause has its Effect; every Effect has its Cause; everything happens according to Law; Chance is but a name for Law not recognized; there are many planes of causation,  but nothing escapes the Law.

Gender is in everything; everything has its Masculine and Feminine Principles; Gender manifests on all planes. Within the Father-Mother Mind, mortal children are at home.  There is not one who is Fatherless, nor Motherless in the Universe. 


The possession of Knowledge, unless accompanied by a manifestation and expression in Action, is like the hoarding of precious metals-a vain and foolish thing.  Knowledge, like wealth, is intended for Use. The Law of Use is Universal, and he who violates it suffers by reason of his conflict with natural forces.

To change your mood or mental state--change your vibration.
To destroy an undesirable rate of mental vibration, put into operation the principle of Polarity and concentrate upon the opposite pole to that which you desire to suppress. Kill out the undesirable by changing its polarity. 

Mind (as well as metals and elements) may be transmuted, from state to state; degree to degree; condition to condition; pole to pole; vibration to vibration.

Rhythm may be neutralized by an application of the Art of Polarization.

Nothing escapes the Principle of Cause and Effect, but there are many Planes of Causation, and one may use the laws of the higher to overcome the laws of the lower.

The wise ones serve on the higher, but rule on the lower. They obey the laws coming from above them, But on their own plane, and those below them they rule and give orders.  And, yet, in so doing, they form a part of the Principle, instead of opposing it. The wise man falls in with the Law, and by understanding its movements he operates it instead of being its blind slave. Just as does the skilled swimmer turn this way and that way, going and coming as he will, instead of being as the log which is carried here and there--so is the wise man as compared to the ordinary man--and yet both swimmer and log; wise man and fool, are subject to Law. He who understands this is well on the road to Mastery

Mastery consists not in abnormal dreams, visions and fantastic imaginings or living, but in using the higher forces against the lower--escaping the pains of the lower planes by vibrating on the higher.  Transmutation, not presumptuous denial, is the weapon of the Master.

The half-wise, recognizing the comparative unreality of the Universe, imagine that they may defy its Laws--such are vain and presumptuous fools, and they are broken against the rocks and torn asunder by the elements by reason of their folly. The truly wise, knowing the nature of the Universe, use Law against laws; the higher against the lower; and by the Art of Alchemy transmute that which is undesirable into that which is worthy, and thus triumph.

True Hermetic Transmutation is a Mental Art.

THE ALL IS MIND; The Universe is Mental.


A Study of The Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece,
by Three Initiates

published by The Yogi Publication Society, 
Masonic Temple, Chicago, Illinois, USA, 



Free from Thought

Comment on UTB Lecturesbeyondbeyond - U.G Krishnamurti - Snap out of it!  - 2015 09 13

Thoughts are imposed on us. Thoughts create division with consiousness. Thoughts are a product of the I, Eye, Ego. "Thoughts are for achieving goals" (at 19min), so it creates pain and/or pleasure, responsable for misery.  Thought is necessary to feed the Ego, which is the producer of seperateness and misery.  So in fact, this discours is another philosophical approach to sacrifise the I-thought.

Sacrifice the Ego to enter a realm beyond thoughts, without words, without form, without body; only depth.   Thoughts conjures the superficial. The I-thought provides superficiality and thinking to elude from Consiousness.  The dissolving of the I-thought leads to emptiness, the great void, to the origin before thought and to the source, the creative Principal, THE ALL. True consiousness is not divided, while thought divides in duality, in forms and functions, in Morals and Dogmas.

After the sacrifice of the ego, only Presence and Awareness remain and the divine comedy unfolds, exactly as it should be, only the viewpoint changes. Not under the influence, up and down on the scales of polarity.  In the center one is able to measure and to rule.

Philosophy is to explain the unknown, Science describes the known.  That is why religion, philosophy, science, magic will not offer the key.  Societal structures and believes are constructed to continue the division in servants and rulers, interdepended.  

Yet, one could be liberated of these thoughtforms and reign over the entirety.  Once the I-thought is dissolved the hypnotic trance - the enchantment of Thoth - unravels and the path to Mastery unfolds.

"The light cannot be given to you, you have to stand tremendously alone.  That is what is frightening.  Because if you belong to anything, follow anybody, you are already entering into corruption.  If you understand that very deeply -  with tears in your eyes.  That there is no teacher, no guru, no disciple.  There is only You, a human being in this world."

"Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Ma'at 7:13-14)

"the Measurer"


Free from Beliefs

Comment 1 on UTB satyogachannel Free From Beliefs - Q&A with Shunyamurti 2015 09 25

The next question: Is one prepared to take the risk of not believing? Are you mature enough to stop believing? Beliefs are the chackels that keep us in captivity. It is the fundamental step to reach your true self, the authority that is within you. That is why one has been so indoctrinated to accept outward authority and why beliefssystem are predominant. To keep you in obiedence, to kneel down and to offer up your free will, to sacrifice animals, to sacrifice humans, to sacrifice children.

Zero beliefs not possible? Ha! Look at the animal Kingdom, look at Nature. Does a bird believe? Does a tree believe? Does a rock or mountain need outward comfirmation of it's existence? Does nature need an external comforter, to numb the anxiety? It is the Ego who needs the belief to survive! It is the Ego which keeps you locked. The question is are you prepared to embark on the true life journey to become who you are? Or are you scared, or comfortable, or trust in an external salvation to come to you. Or did you began the journey at some point and sought safehaven in the Dark Night of the Soul?

If you want to exit the beliefsystem there is a price to pay, to leave behind your ego and the ego will do everything to keep you from it. Yet it is the only way. You are your worst enemy if you really want to know Yourself. Keep believing in everything and come back any time in the material prison. It is here we have to reach for the Heaven! The Seventh Heaven/chakra/chackel/shekinah. True consiousness is free from believe. True consiousness is all that will be in the end as it was in the beginning.

Comment 2 on UTB satyogachannel Free From Beliefs - Q&A with Shunyamurti 2015 09 25

You either know or you don't know.  You are 100% correct or you missed the mark, that is what being true is.  Assumptions don't help in any way.  Questioning everything isn't useful, in fact it will only result in more uncertainty.  

Don't search, Find! Find trust within Yourself, take care of you, take caution with what you do and with the time given.  Find your innerstanding which is not what minds, troubles, preoccupies you, it is the opposite.  

To Know is to be assured, when you are certain doubt doesn't pop up.  Peace of Mind comes after understanding and letting the subject go altogether because you know it already, it doesn't bother you anymore. It is about knowing yourself or letting others know for you.  

Really, It is about fully embracing Life and Truth without compromise.  Being caught in the moment, bursting with creativity, that is Joy.  When  worrying one will be weighing things out or be calculated; cautious when uncertain.

Comment 3 on UTB satyogachannel Free From Beliefs - Q&A with Shunyamurti 2015 09 25

I say it is better to know then to believe.

In recordings of Shunyamurti eloquently explains to persue the inward journey, but I do not believe him. I resonate with what he says, he speaks to my inner knowing, provides a discours to broaden my understanding.

If I were to believe him, he would become an authority to me, someone who would know for me, I would become depended on him. That is what believing is, acceptance of outward authority and placing the responsibility outside. That is the lie that is sold, to give up the free will in exchange for false security, on every level, not just in religious systems. That is why most keep on searching without ever finding because as long as we forget our True Self and keep living in the superficial, we can be controlled and be managed.

In extremis, it is toxic and people who believe and follow outside authority are toxic people.


The end of the man you were

Synthetic Biology
Applying Engineering to Biology
Report of a NEST High-Level Expert Group
NEST - New and Emerging Science and Technology - is a research activity under the European Community’s 6th Framework Programme
Project acronym: EDEN
Project full title: Ecological Diversity and Evolutionary Networks
European Commission 6th framework programme
Programme "New and Emerging Science and Technology" (NEST)
"Synthetic biology is concerned with applying the engineering paradigm of systems design to biological systems in order to produce predictable and robust systems with novel functionalities that do not exist in nature . Just as all engineering disciplines maintain a fruitful relationship with the fundamental sciences that underlie them, synthetic biology will seek to use  and expand the mechanisms that control biological organisms using engineering approaches. These approaches will be applied on all scales of biological complexity"
2007-2013 7th research framework programme (FP7) and Competitiveness & Innovation Programme (CIP)

Horizon 2020 - research and innovation framework programme

2045 Strategic Social Initiative
"A large-scale transformation of humanity, comparable to some of the major spiritual and sci-tech revolutions in history, will require a new strategy. We believe this to be necessary to overcome existing crises, which threaten our planetary habitat and the continued existence of humanity as a species. With the 2045 Initiative, we hope to realize a new strategy for humanity's development, and in so doing, create a more productive, fulfilling, and satisfying future."

The Era of Neo-Humanity

Dalai Lama approved!


Converging Technologies for Improving Human Performance
Vision for Enhancing Human Abilities and Societal Performance

"We stand at the threshold of a new renaissance in science and technology" 


Wait, What? A future technology forum by DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)
to envision the world of 2030


UN sustainable development summit NY 2015

Papa approved


2015-09-21 deredactie  
Bourgeois stelt zijn prioriteiten op lange termijn voor

Visie 2050 is een kopij van het de programma van de verenigde naties.

In de lijn van de verwachtingen publiceert de vlaamse minister-president een tekst "Visie 2050: een lange termijnstrategie voor Vlaanderen".   Met deze tekst reproduceert en onderschrijft hij de visie van de verenigde naties in een gemakkelijk verteerbare vorm en kneed hij de publieke opinie om deze trends te accepteren.  Hij brengt het herkenbare ad nauseam naar voor: "het internet der dingen" [die je totaal niet nodig hebt], waarschijnlijk omdat hij zelf een bril draagt, is het daar voor hem ook om te doen.

Op die manier gaat hij niet op de details van de globalistische agenda in en gebruikt hij eufemismen en verkeerde benamingen.  Zelfs voor de op handen zijnde ontwikkelingen, zoals in dit voorbeeld synthetische biologie, waarmee Belgische ondernemers nochtans reeds aan het experimenteren zijn.

De 'disrupties' of beter: ontwrichting in AN, die het maatschappelijk brengt, wordt als uitdaging voor groei gepromoot en als iets dat je erbij zal moeten nemen.  Het is een adequate PR-tekst dat voldoende stof geeft om via de media gepropageerd te worden, maar als toekomstvisie reeds achterhaald.  Scheutig voegt Geert Bourgeois alvast 5 extra jaren aan de horizon toe; het duidelijk gebrek aan inzicht maakt hij met vooruitgangsoptimisme goed.

De globale agenda wordt met kracht doorgedrukt zonder dat er ruimte is voor een reflectie, voor zoverre die er al was, slechts een generale repetitie om de juiste manier van denken in de publieke opinie te bewerkstelligen en natuurlijk, om de VN-visie om te zetten in decreet.
"Met dit alles in het achterhoofd engageerde de Vlaamse regering zich in het Vlaamse regeerakkoord om een  langetermijnbeleid  uit te voeren dat de noodzakelijke  transities  in  onze samenleving in  een versnelling  brengt." Visie 2050


Scientific Transition into No Opposition
Alan Watt - June 22, 2014 Blurb


The End of the man you where
Eden Log

In the meantime

In the meantime, increased governmental intervention and deliberate social engineering - the latter derived from "theories" of social change and development - created a blend of operational incompetence, crosscutting group conflicts, social indifference, and political complexity that made for both a breakdown of political consensus and the alienation of the younger generation.  Having finally obtained a unique oppertunity to do much of what he had long aspired to do, the pragmatic liberal discovered that his intellectual arsenal, derived from a highly succesful response to the crisis of an advanced industrial society, was exhausted; the doctrinaire liberal - confident that he had the right remedies and theory, impatient with the seeming conservatism of the more pragmatic power practitioner, and ambivalent toward the anarchism and the totalitarianism of the New Left - undermined the liberal's base of support by destroying public confidence in the liberal's commitment to liberal democracy.

Another threat, less overt but no less basic, confronts liberal democracy.  More directly linked to the impact of technology, it involves the gradual appearance of a more controlled and directed society.  Such a society would be dominated by an elite whose claim to political power would rest on allegedely superior scientific know-how.  Unhindered by the restraints of traditional liberal values, this elite would not hesitate to achieve its political ends by using the latest modern techniques for influencing public behavior and keeping society under close surveillance and control.  Under such circumstances, the scientific and technological momentum [...] would not be reversed but would actually feed on the situation it exploits.  The emergence of a large dominant party, alongside the more narrowly focused and more intensly doctrinaire grouping on the right and the left could accelerate the trend toward such technological managerialism.
[...] In different ways, both the doctrinarian and the conservative might find the temptations inherent in the new techniques of social control too difficult to resist.  The inclination of the doctrinaire left to legitimize means by ends could lead them to justify more social control on the ground that it serves progress.  The conservatives, preoccupied with public order and fascinated by modern gadgetry, would be tempted to use the new techniques as a response to unrest, since they would fail to reconize that social control is not the only way to deal with rapid social change.

Fragment uit Between Two Ages Zbigniew Brzezinski, 1970, p.94 & p.97

The whole aim of practical politics is to keep the populace alarmed (and hence clamorous to be led to safety) by menacing it with an endless series of hobgoblins, all of them imaginary.

H. L. Mencken


Ik wil daer niet verantwoordelyk voor zyn

solidair [door saamhorigheid verbonden] {1822} < frans solidaire [idem], oorspr. als juridische term hoofdelijk verantwoordelijk < latijn (in) solidum [(voor) het geheel], van solidum [geheel], het zelfstandig gebruikt o. van solidus [solide, geheel].

De mensen die solidair willen zijn, gaan een verbintenis aan en niet zomaar een verbintenis, een wettelijk bepaalde verbintenis van hoofdelijke verantwoordelijkheid.

hoofd znw. o., mnl. hôvet, hooft, hoot, onfrank. hōvid, os. hōƀid, ohd. houbit, ofri. hāved, hāfd (owfri. ook hād), oe. hēafoð (ne. head), on. haufið (9de eeuw bij Bragi), got. haubiþ. — Daarnaast staat on. hǫfuð, oe. hafud en hafola, die rechtstreeks zijn te vergelijken met lat. caput ‘hoofd’, oi. kapálam ‘schaal, hersenpan’, kapolas ‘wang’.

verantwoordelijk bn. ‘aansprakelijk’. Vnnl. Dat het niet verandtwoorlijck was, dat men ... den oorlogh soude continueren ‘... niet te rechtvaardigen, onverantwoord ...’ [1697; iWNT]; nnl. verantwoordelyk ‘verantwoording schuldig zijnde; een vergoeding schuldig zijnde’ [1701; iWNT], Ik wil daer niet verantwoordelyk voor zyn [1769; iWNT]. Afleiding van verantwoorden met het achtervoegsel → -lijk. De 17e-eeuwse betekenis van verantwoordelijk, namelijk ‘gerechtvaardigd’, is in de loop van de tijd verdwenen; hiervoor wordt sinds in ieder geval de 20e eeuw het verl.deelw. verantwoord gebruikt. Met betrekking tot personen is verantwoordelijk in het algemene taalgebruik vaak synoniem met aansprakelijk, maar in de juridische taal zijn beide gescheiden: een verantwoordelijke persoon is iemand die verplicht is goed voor iets of iemand te zorgen, die rekenschap moet kunnen geven van zijn daden of die van zijn ondergeschikten, die ter verantwoordig geroepen kan worden. Een aansprakelijke (rechts)persoon is degene die kan worden verplicht een schadevergoeding te betalen.

Het hoofd in den schoot leggen

d.w.z. in iets berusten, zich overgeven. Oorspronkelijk zeide men enen (iemand, nl. dengene, door wien men zich overwonnen erkent) dat hovet in den schoot legghen, zooals blijkt uit Profijt. Liedeb. 114, 4: Dies legghe ic nu met rouwe mijn hooft in uwen schoot. Reeds vroeg werd de datief van den persoon, wien men het hoofd in den schoot lei, tot wiens beschikking men zijn hoofd, d.i. zich zelf stelde, weggelaten, zooals blijkt uit Despars I, 303: Eedelinghe die van Brugghe ende van Ghendt leyden thooft in schoot ende deden sconincx begeerte. Zie voor vele andere plaatsen het Mnl. Wdb. III, 693; Ndl. Wdb. VI, 941; VIII, 1417; Anna Bijns, Nieuwe Refr. 59; 93 en 111; Sart. I, 10, 50; Coster, 308 vs. 114; Paffenr. 6; Tuinman I, 4; Halma, 223; enz.; vgl. voor Zuid-Nederland Joos, 103; Schuermans, 192 b: hooken in schoo(t)ken leggen, toegeven, zich onderwerpen; Antw. Idiot. 753: den kop in den schoot leggen; Waasch Idiot. 393 a: het hoofd in den schoot leggen; fri. de kop in 'e skutte lizze.

In de schoot van de regering - Au Sein Du Gouvernment

Impliciet schikken de solidairen zich met de leider, regering, overheden en keuren bijgevolg verdere acties goed.  Waaronder niet alleen de menselijke en financiële gevolgen, maar ook de Oorlogsdaden die in deze 'proxy war' gesteld worden.  Zij erkennen zich in hun onmacht en geven hiermee impliciet hun volmacht om deze oorlog verder te voeren, en dus vrijgeleide voor een verdere escalatie van het conflict.  Tegelijkerheid verbinden ze zich met de vluchters, die haven en goed reeds achterlieten.  De solidairen nemen dezelfde ondergeschikte positie in, schikken zich naar het lot en vluchten mee van het gevaar dat ze door hun vluchtreactie mee bestendigen.  In plaats van stelling in te nemen, geeft men niet thuis.

vluchteling zn. ‘iemand die vlucht’.
vlucht 1 zn. ‘het weggaan van gevaar’
Onl. fluht ‘het vluchten, het in veiligheid brengen’, overdrachtelijk in antfengere min in fluht min an dage arbeithis minis ‘mijn beschermer en mijn toevlucht op de dag van mijn tegenspoed’ [10e eeuw; W.Ps.]; mnl. vlucht, oostelijk vlogt [1240; Bern.], Die hebben de vlucht ghenomen [1285; VMNW].

Diegene die zeggen solidair te zijn erkennen zich verslagen, overwonnen en overheerst.  
Ze dragen impliciet mee de verantwoordelijkheid en stemmen in met de beslissingen door de 'autoriteiten' genomen, dezelfde autoriteiten die deze oorlog op afstand bestellen.

proxy war - a war instigated by a major power that does not itself participate
A proxy war or proxy warfare is a war that results when opposing powers use third parties as substitutes for fighting each other directly. While powers have sometimes used governments as proxies, violent non-state actors, mercenaries, or other third parties are more often employed. It is hoped that these groups can strike an opponent without leading to full-scale war.

"The Role of Private Military and Security Companies in Modern Warfare" (The Brown Journal of World affairs, 2012-08-11)
"Syria Atrocities: The US Directly Supports the Al Qaeda Terrorists" (Global Research, 2013-12-17)
Middle East Time Bomb (Huffingtonpost, 2014, part 1, part 2)
"Why does the U.S. support Saudi Arabia?" (Global Research, 2015-02-25)
"The Guardian: “bomb Assad and save the refugees”" (offGuardian, 2015-09-04)

cause a Problem - force Reaction - propose (pre-conceived) Solution

Fragment uit Propaganda, Edward Bernays, 1928 (p.37, p38)
The conscious and intelligent manipulation of the organised habits and opinions of the masses is an important element in democratic society. Those who manipulate this unseen mechanism of society constitute an invisible government which is the true ruling power of our country. We are governed, our minds moulded, our tastes formed, our ideas suggested, largely by men we have never heard of
Whatever attitude one chooses toward this condition, it remains a fact that in almost every act of our daily lives, whether in the sphere of politics or business, in our social conduct or our ethical thinking, we are dominated by a relatively small number of persons – a trifling fraction of our hundred and twenty million – who understand the mental processes and social patterns of the masses. It is they who pull the wires which control the public mind, who harness old social forces and contrive new ways to bind and guide the world.


"EU should 'undermine national homogeneity' says UN migration chief"
(BBC News 2012-06-21)
"The EU’s bid to crush 'national egoism’ is tearing it apart"
(Telegraph 2015-06-11)
'Eurolanden moeten meer soevereiniteit inleveren'
(deVolkskrant 2015-06-22)
"Geen opvang? Dan volgt straf van EU" [nvdr.ondertitel Soevereiniteit opgeven]
(DeMorgen 2015-09-10)

Deculturization by design


Het reisbureau voor de vluchters (onderdeel van bordermonitoring en in samenwerking met IRRI, erkende 'non'-gouvernementele (lobby-)organisaties)
Op deze website vinden de vluchters advies, informatie en folders.  Van bij aanvang van hun reis tot in het land van aankomst en hoe men het systeem daar ten volle kan benutten, afhankelijk van hun huidige persoonlijke toestand vanwaar ze vluchten.  De website bevat naast reisadvies onderweg ook de adressen en telefoonnummers van de te contacteren instellingen per land van aankomst; tot en met hoe men verplichte uitwijzing (deportation) kan uitstellen en saboteren.  Men krijgt raad en daad van bij het begin hoe de vluchter het systeem van het land van bestemming ten volle kan gebruiken en misbruiken.  Men kan ook beroep doen op juridisch advies met doorverwijzing naar gespecialiseerde advocaten.
Van de website W2EU.info:
"We welcome all travellers on their difficult trip and wish all of them a good journey - because freedom of movement is everybody's right!"
"As they say: We came to stay!
Their stories are directly linked to w2eu.info, which was created to support the journey of those leaving traces on european soil by giving information and useful contacts. w2eu.info is growing in direct contact with their ideas, questions and practical experiences."


Schicksal - Fatum - Noodlot (Schikgodinnen)

Lot of noodlot is een term die gebruikt wordt om de gedachte uit te drukken dat er een noodzakelijk en onveranderlijk verloop in het leven van een mens plaatsvindt, waarbij de persoon in kwestie niet bij machte is zelf invloed op deze gang van zaken uit te oefenen. In een verwante betekenis denoteert de term een specifieke stand van zaken die in de reeks der gebeurtenissen (noodzakelijkerwijs) geactualiseerd wordt. Als zodanig past de term binnen een deterministische wereldbeschouwing.


Were di


primitief [onontwikkeld] {1814} < frans primitif < latijn primitivus [eerste, eerstgeborene, eersteling], van primus [eerste] (vgl. primo).

prima [eerste, fijnste] {1868, ouder als zn. in de betekenis ‘eerste wissel’ 1542} < italiaans prima, vr. van primo < latijn primus [eerste]; ontstaan in verbindingen als prima kwaliteit.

Uit het Italiaans werden in het handelsverkeer voor kwaliteiten of categorieën de termen prima, secunda en tertia ‘eerste (= beste), tweede en derde’ ontleend

De werken van de Vlaamse Primitieven waren een hoogtepunt in de kunstgeschiedenis van de oude Nederlanden. In de kunststroming vinden we vertegenwoordigers uit de ganse Nederlanden, maar ze vestigden zich voornamelijk in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden en dat had waarschijnlijk alles te maken met het feit dat daar het economische en politieke machtscentrum gevestigd was. 

Graafschap Vlaanderen

Graafschap Vlaanderen
Vlaanderen, Vlaming en Vlaams zijn afgeleid van flâm, een Ingveoonse vorm van het Germaanse flauma en dit betekent "overstroomd gebied". Deze etymologie lijkt de enige die taalkundig mogelijk is en klopt geografisch uitstekend. Deze betekenis is zeer toepasselijk voor het Vlaamse kustgebied dat tussen de 3e en de 8e eeuw tweemaal per dag overstroomde door de Noordzee.

Were Di
Hertogdom Brabant
Het Hertogdom Brabant lag ten oosten van het Graafschap Vlaanderen. Het deelde met zijn Vlaamse buur eenzelfde taal en cultuur. Terwijl Vlaanderen een Frans leen was, erkende Brabant de Duitse keizer als leenheer. Politiek en economisch waren Vlaanderen en Brabant geduchte rivalen.

Er kwam een definitief einde aan het hertogdom in 1795. Brabant raakte in de maalstroom van de Franse Revolutie en werd geannexeerd door Frankrijk. Het werd opgesplitst in twee departementen: Dijle en Twee Neten. Na de val van Napoleon in 1815 kwam er geen restauratie van de voormalige vorstendommen, maar werden de Franse departementen getransponeerd naar Nederlandse provincies: Zuid-Brabant, Antwerpen en Noord-Brabant. Na de Belgische Revolutie van 1830 werd deze toestand ook overgenomen in het nieuwe koninkrijk, met dien verstande dat de provincie Zuid-Brabant voortaan gewoon Brabant ging heten, alsof Noord-Brabant niet meer bestond.

Bij een staatshervorming in 1995 werd deze provincie Brabant opgesplitst in drie delen: Vlaams-Brabant, Waals-Brabant en het Brusselse Hoofdstedelijke Gewest.


Facadekunst: Magritte -
Belgisch Surrealisme = Belgicisme

Facadekunst : Paul Delvaux - Poëtisch Realisme

Paul Delvaux

"Permanens Bellum"

permanent [blijvend] {1652} < frans permanent < latijn permanentem, 4e nv. van permanens, teg. deelw. van permanēre [voortdurend blijven], van per [door … heen, tijdens] + manēre [blijven]

Do you still Believe?

Cannon Fodder
cannon fodder, meaning someone who is expendable or in simpler terms, a tool.

ka·non·nen·vlees (het; o)
1 soldaten, beschouwd als machteloze prooi van de kanonnen 

Permeke - expressionisme
Frans Masereel - expressionisme



"And i picked on the whims of a thousand or more, 
still pursuing the path that's been buried for years,
all the dead wood from jungles and cities on fire, 
can't replace or relate, can't release or repair, 
take my hand and i'll show you what was - it will be."


De Nieuwe Orde

Uit de inleiding van Maurice De Wilde - De Nieuwe Orde

BS 24 juni 1955 - Archiefwet
"Gedurende een eeuw lang is het aan de goede of minder goede wil van de overheidsinstellingen om uit te maken of zij al dan niet toegang tot hun archieven verlenen."

"Het enige antwoord op ons uniek geval van honderd jaar verborgenheid kan slechts hierin bestaan: dat wel heel wat, heel lang moest verborgen blijven én wellicht niet zozeer voor diegenen onzer landgenoten die de oorlog ook na 1945 met gestrekte arm hebben beleefd.  Want benevens een weinig wit en een weinig zwart, is er tijdens de tweede wereldoorlog zeer veel grijs geweest."

"Omdat het met de geschiedenis zoals met de actualiteit gaat: in beide gevallen is het verzekeren van het recht op informatie, een weliswaar moeilijke maar noodwendige taak.  Het levert niets op voor te houden dat het publiek moet geïnformeerd worden, wanneer de overheid diegenen die daarvoor moeten instaan de middelen onthoudt om naar de grond van de zaak door te dringen."

"Hij die niet weet vanwaar hij komt weet ook niet waar hij heengaat"


Know Yourself and You will be known

In my experience the evident things taken for granted are the most difficult to fathom and even harder to explain. 

One of the most widelyspread platitude is "Know Yourself", it is so important that it has been formed into a platitude on the one hand, yet it is the first law to gain understanding.  It is the most important key that everybody holds, but it seems that very few search the lock that fits it.  If you have a key but you don't know how to find the lock or don't know how the key works, the key remains useless.

The key and the lock are hidden in plain sight but at the place where most don't dare or care to look.  In this case the Key and the Lock are the same, which makes it more enigmatic.  At the same time it is rendered useless by our own device.

11“For this commandment which I command you today is not too difficult for you, nor is it out of reach. 12“It is not in heaven, that you should say, ‘Who will go up to heaven for us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it?’ 13“Nor is it beyond the sea, that you should say, ‘Who will cross the sea for us to get it for us and make us hear it, that we may observe it?’ 14“But the word is very near you, in your mouth and in your heart, that you may observe it. (Deut. 30:11-14)

(3) Jesus said, "If those who lead you (plur.) say to you, 'See, the kingdom is in heaven,' then the birds of heaven will precede you. If they say to you, 'It is in the sea,' then the fish will precede you. But the kingdom is inside of you. And it is outside of you. "When you become acquainted with yourselves, then you will be recognized. And you will understand that it is you who are children of the living father. But if you do not become acquainted with yourselves, then you are in poverty, and it is you who are the poverty." (Gospel of Thomas 1:3)

This is the true cause of our presence here, to know our selves.  To become acquainted with your self through observation.  I hinted at this in my earlier posting Conserning Inspiration, on how to view and observe correctly.

Luke 11:34
The light of the body is the eye: therefore when thine eye is single, thy whole body also is full of light; but when thine eye is evil, thy body also is full of darkness.
lucerna corporis tui est oculus tuus si oculus tuus fuerit simplex totum corpus tuum lucidum erit si autem nequam fuerit etiam corpus tuum tenebrosum erit 

simple, without dissimulation, open, frank, straightforward, direct, guileless, artless, sincere, ingenuous

Know yourself and You will be known

Once you truely know yourself you will see the disolving of the conflicts of your inner self and the outward influences.  If you can focus then you will no longer be disturbed by the outward impressions, by then you will be able to discern.  You will see the True You who was always there, but you where eluded from through the reflections of the mind, anxiety of the body and misdirection of the senses.  You will see All, the Entirety, how It Is.  You will be One in All.

How you've fooled yourself all this time, how the Ego has been in the way of Truth and how calm and peaceful presence You have always been, yet eluded by outward sensation, driven by false morals and dogmas, in division through intellectualism, false duality instead of Unity.

From that stillpoint one can reconnect with the outward and be Awareness through breath and heartbeat.  The Presence of the stillpoint within will provide you to set out your true bearings in Life.