
Free from Beliefs

Comment 1 on UTB satyogachannel Free From Beliefs - Q&A with Shunyamurti 2015 09 25

The next question: Is one prepared to take the risk of not believing? Are you mature enough to stop believing? Beliefs are the chackels that keep us in captivity. It is the fundamental step to reach your true self, the authority that is within you. That is why one has been so indoctrinated to accept outward authority and why beliefssystem are predominant. To keep you in obiedence, to kneel down and to offer up your free will, to sacrifice animals, to sacrifice humans, to sacrifice children.

Zero beliefs not possible? Ha! Look at the animal Kingdom, look at Nature. Does a bird believe? Does a tree believe? Does a rock or mountain need outward comfirmation of it's existence? Does nature need an external comforter, to numb the anxiety? It is the Ego who needs the belief to survive! It is the Ego which keeps you locked. The question is are you prepared to embark on the true life journey to become who you are? Or are you scared, or comfortable, or trust in an external salvation to come to you. Or did you began the journey at some point and sought safehaven in the Dark Night of the Soul?

If you want to exit the beliefsystem there is a price to pay, to leave behind your ego and the ego will do everything to keep you from it. Yet it is the only way. You are your worst enemy if you really want to know Yourself. Keep believing in everything and come back any time in the material prison. It is here we have to reach for the Heaven! The Seventh Heaven/chakra/chackel/shekinah. True consiousness is free from believe. True consiousness is all that will be in the end as it was in the beginning.

Comment 2 on UTB satyogachannel Free From Beliefs - Q&A with Shunyamurti 2015 09 25

You either know or you don't know.  You are 100% correct or you missed the mark, that is what being true is.  Assumptions don't help in any way.  Questioning everything isn't useful, in fact it will only result in more uncertainty.  

Don't search, Find! Find trust within Yourself, take care of you, take caution with what you do and with the time given.  Find your innerstanding which is not what minds, troubles, preoccupies you, it is the opposite.  

To Know is to be assured, when you are certain doubt doesn't pop up.  Peace of Mind comes after understanding and letting the subject go altogether because you know it already, it doesn't bother you anymore. It is about knowing yourself or letting others know for you.  

Really, It is about fully embracing Life and Truth without compromise.  Being caught in the moment, bursting with creativity, that is Joy.  When  worrying one will be weighing things out or be calculated; cautious when uncertain.

Comment 3 on UTB satyogachannel Free From Beliefs - Q&A with Shunyamurti 2015 09 25

I say it is better to know then to believe.

In recordings of Shunyamurti eloquently explains to persue the inward journey, but I do not believe him. I resonate with what he says, he speaks to my inner knowing, provides a discours to broaden my understanding.

If I were to believe him, he would become an authority to me, someone who would know for me, I would become depended on him. That is what believing is, acceptance of outward authority and placing the responsibility outside. That is the lie that is sold, to give up the free will in exchange for false security, on every level, not just in religious systems. That is why most keep on searching without ever finding because as long as we forget our True Self and keep living in the superficial, we can be controlled and be managed.

In extremis, it is toxic and people who believe and follow outside authority are toxic people.

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