
Free from Thought

Comment on UTB Lecturesbeyondbeyond - U.G Krishnamurti - Snap out of it!  - 2015 09 13

Thoughts are imposed on us. Thoughts create division with consiousness. Thoughts are a product of the I, Eye, Ego. "Thoughts are for achieving goals" (at 19min), so it creates pain and/or pleasure, responsable for misery.  Thought is necessary to feed the Ego, which is the producer of seperateness and misery.  So in fact, this discours is another philosophical approach to sacrifise the I-thought.

Sacrifice the Ego to enter a realm beyond thoughts, without words, without form, without body; only depth.   Thoughts conjures the superficial. The I-thought provides superficiality and thinking to elude from Consiousness.  The dissolving of the I-thought leads to emptiness, the great void, to the origin before thought and to the source, the creative Principal, THE ALL. True consiousness is not divided, while thought divides in duality, in forms and functions, in Morals and Dogmas.

After the sacrifice of the ego, only Presence and Awareness remain and the divine comedy unfolds, exactly as it should be, only the viewpoint changes. Not under the influence, up and down on the scales of polarity.  In the center one is able to measure and to rule.

Philosophy is to explain the unknown, Science describes the known.  That is why religion, philosophy, science, magic will not offer the key.  Societal structures and believes are constructed to continue the division in servants and rulers, interdepended.  

Yet, one could be liberated of these thoughtforms and reign over the entirety.  Once the I-thought is dissolved the hypnotic trance - the enchantment of Thoth - unravels and the path to Mastery unfolds.

"The light cannot be given to you, you have to stand tremendously alone.  That is what is frightening.  Because if you belong to anything, follow anybody, you are already entering into corruption.  If you understand that very deeply -  with tears in your eyes.  That there is no teacher, no guru, no disciple.  There is only You, a human being in this world."

"Enter through the narrow gate.  For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and many enter through it. But small is the gate and narrow the way that leads to life, and only a few find it." (Ma'at 7:13-14)

"the Measurer"

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