
Adulterating Substance

"If we could sniff or swallow something that would, for five or six hours each day, abolish our solitude as individuals, atone us with our fellows in a glowing exaltation of affection and make life in all its aspects seem not only worth living, but divinely beautiful and significant, and if this heavenly, world-transfiguring drug were of such a kind that we could wake up next morning with a clear head and an undamaged constitution-then, it seems to me, all our problems (and not merely the one small problem of discovering a novel pleasure) would be wholly solved and earth would become paradise." - A. Huxley

The call to arms was never true,
I'm medicated..how are you?
Let's take a dive swim right through,
Sophisticated point of view.

sophistication (n.) 
early 15c., "use of sophistry; fallacious argument intended to mislead; adulteration; an adulterated or adulterating substance," from Medieval Latin sophisticationem (nominative sophisticatio), noun of action from past participle stem of sophisticare "adulterate, cheat quibble," from Latin sophisticus "of sophists," from Greek sophistikos "of or pertaining to a sophist,"
medicate (v.)
"to treat medicinally," 1620s, a back-formation from medication, or else from Late Latin medicatus, past participle of medicare. Related: Medicated; medicating. The earlier verb in English was simply medicin (late 14c.).
I'm medicated... how are you?

To cope with the madness and destruction of the world I am prescribed mind-altering drugs.  In this broken artificial world, it makes me less affected by it. Participating in the experiments of psychiatry, at the frontier of finding the heavenly, world-transfiguring drug.   Ofcourse the discour is to see the patient as ill, maladjusted, strange, alienated.  A person to be cared for, burdened by and a burden to society.
However, something is tremendously wrong with the construction of the human condition, considering the staggering amounts of psychotropic pills that cross the counter, and the profits made by the sales of it.  Sustaining an artificial coping and providing a temporary escape from the trauma human beings are all suffering from.  When the veil falls,  the full awareness of the daily atrocities of this open prison overwhelms and paralyzes the person, subjected to the horror which is burned on the inner eye.   Is it a cure to keep human beings in a quasi-state of being, a numbing dull existance and extended suffering?  Is it the individual that is to be considered ill, insane?  Is it the new normal to pop a pill from the craddle to the grave to adjust to the unadjustable?

In this way this is truely sophistication intended to mislead, to maintain the status quo of a corrupted, sick society and diagnosing the individual human being as being ill due to a chemical imbalance in the brain.

As a sleeper in metropolis
You are insignificance
Dreams become entangled in the system
Environment moves over the sleeper:
Conditioned air
Conditions sedated breathing
The sensation of viscose sheets on naked flesh
Soft and warm
But lonesome in the blackened ocean of night

Confined in the helpless safety of desires and dreams
We fight our insignificance
The harder we fight
The higher the wall
Outside the cancerous city spreads
Like an illness
It's symptoms

In cars that cruise to inevitable destinations
Tailed by the silent spotlights
Of society created paranoia

No alternative could grow
Where love cannot take root
No shadows will replace
The warmth of your contact
Love is dead in metropolis
All contact through glove or partition
What a waste
The City -
A wasting disease

Sleeper In Metropolis
Anne Clark


Age of Reason

Georgia Guidestones
The Georgia Guidestones, erected on March 22, 1980, are constructed in granite monolithic plates and present on the explanatory tablet "Let these be guidelines for the Age of Reason".  The structure, besides the written texts in 8 modern day languages and shortenened inscriptions in classical languages, an astromic clock and compass.  In 2014 the monument was officially expanded with a cornerstone on the top marked with 2014.  The stone was removed revealing more markings MM 16 8 JAM.

The monument guidelines are beautifully written in eloquent language and at first glance it seems a to hold a beautiful set of guidelines, sadly these words are written for a post-apocalyptic society.  The anonymous commisioners of the guidestones, are the Elite who are advancing to effectuate the plans to get us in the Golden Age of Reason.  The global events taking place now are moves on the chessboard of the rulers who are burdened with the task to tilt humanity over the brink and decimate the global population and to lead humanity in the Transhumanist Era. 

Maintain humanity under 500,000,000
In perpetual balance with nature
Guide reproduction wisely —
improving fitness and diversity
Unite humanity with a living
New language
Rule passion — faith — tradition
And all things
With tempered reason
Protect people and nations
With fair laws and just courts
Let all nations rule internally
Resolving external disputes
In a world court
Avoid petty laws and useless
Balance personal rights with
Social duties.
Prize truth - beauty - love-
Seeking harmony with the
Be not a cancer on the earth 
-Leave room for nature -
 Leave room for nature


Darkness was on the face of the deep

The Deep - De Diepte

De diepte peilen
to fathom the depth

Duisternis was op het aangezicht van de diepte

Het is een levende Mater-ie

Het Vrouwelijke - Het Duistere - Het Verborgene

De Schoot waarvoor we ons Schamen

Oer Sprong

De Grot waarin we ons bevinden de Bellum De Schede
de Schedelplaats Knekelplaats Begraafplaats

Van As tot As
De Wereld tolt door
om en rond haar het Universom

1 2 en 3 de hogere gedachten
4 5 en 6 de vervolmaking en revisie
7 8 en 9 de uitwerking en absolutie

3 richtingen

4 de elementen van het Geloof
De 4 Evangelisten
De 4 Dieren
De 12 van de Dierenriem de Zodiac
De 13 met de ZON

5 zintuigen Tast Smaak Zien Horen Ruiken

6 de Eengemaakte Hermafrodiet
Het evenwaardige van de 2 seksen

Het Scheiden van het Zelf 7
Tot het Oneindige 8

En het inzichzelf kerende 9

Tot het AL